
is a hot topic these days! In short, it means that campaigners don’t just aim to achieve a specific objective, instead they aim, beyond that short-term specific change, to fundamentally alter the way that people relate to an issue.

For example, this would mean not just winning the right for same-sex couples to marry, but rather completely (re)defining how LGBTQI+ people are viewed and valued by society.


This is a 6-lesson course that will guide you to

Understand what narratives are

Identify the narratives that circulate in your context

Develop communications that impact the narrative context

Evaluate your narrative strategy

You will be able to go through the lessons at your own pace, coming back to where you left off anytime you want.

Each lesson can be taken on its own and includes exercises.
The exercises are not compulsory. You can choose to skip them, but we would strongly advise you to try to complete them, as they are part of the learning journey.

When you enroll, a notebook is automatically created. You can copy/paste content from the course or type your own notes. This notebook can be downloaded in pdf format at any time by opening the notes menu on the right-hand side of your screen.

Accessing the Sogicampaigns courses requires a one-time registration. Once you are registered you can enroll for all our courses with a simple click

This course was created with financial support from